UK Area Codes Finder

Find any UK area code by typing your location or dialling code number in the search box or by clicking on the interactive UK map.

England N. Ireland Scotland Wales

Popular UK Area Codes

Quickly discover Local UK telephone dialling codes for popular locations by region.

Nuisance Calls From Unrecognised Numbers?

If you’re receiving nuisance calls from unrecognised numbers, you can report them to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and help stop unwanted calls from automated bots or real people. Simply click the button below which will take you directly to ICO’s nuisance calls report form. It takes less than five minutes and you could be helping lots of others in the process.

Red Telephone Box

Our Phone Numbers Guide

Our essential phone numbers guide features key information for UK dialling codes including international formatting and typical charging rates from business numbers.

Understanding telephone number formatting in England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland can help you avoid:

– Unnecessary call charges.
– Spam telephone calls.
– Missing calls from important numbers.