Gainsborough Dialling Code

Find phone number prefix information for Gainsborough, England including all of the local regions that use the 01427 area code.

01427 area code information

The phone area code for Gainsborough uses 6 local number digits after the area code prefix of 01427. Based in the county of Lincolnshire in the Midlands region of England, calls from Gainsborough telephone numbers typically always follow the format of 01427 [-][-][-][-][-][-].

Other locations using the (0)1427 area code

There are a number of other locations in local proximity to the Gainsborough area that use the same number format. The list below represents some of the other towns and villages that use the same prefix:

  • Corringham
  • Epworth
  • Gainsborough
  • Haxey
  • Hemswell
  • Laughton
  • Misterton
  • Owston Ferry
  • Saundby
  • Stow
  • Sturton-le-Steeple
  • Torksey

Looking for more UK calling information?

Find out more details in our essential phone numbers guide, featuring information on 01 & 02 residential lines, 08 service lines and main emergency numbers used in the United Kingdom.

Want to find different area codes outside of Gainsborough? Check out our dialling codes by region below:

England Area CodesScotland Area CodesWales Area CodesNorthern Ireland Area Codes

Nuisance calls from Gainsborough telephone numbers?

If you’re receiving nuisance calls from a Gainsborough, 01427 telephone number, you can report it to the Information Commissioner’s Office and help stop unwanted calls from automated bots or real people.

Reporting a call to the ICO takes no longer than five minutes, simply click the button below.

Report a call

How to call Gainsborough phone numbers

You can find all the relevant information for Gainsborough telephone numbers including how to dial the 01427 prefix from international locations. Call rates from international locations and mobile telephone numbers vary from standard rate charges, check with your supplier for a breakdown of costs per minute.

Dialling Code 01427
Local Number Digits 6
UK Format 01427 [-][-][-][-][-][-]
International Format +44 (0)1427
Location Gainsborough
County Lincolnshire
Country England
Geo Coordinates 53.400575, -0.774465